What We Do
Core Services
Who We Are
Our work focuses on providing research and technical services to support the rights and interests of Indigenous Nations.
Indigenous Knowledge Research (formerly Traditional Knowledge & Use) is an essential part of a Nation’s assertions of rights and interests when communicating with government and industry as well as internally with community members.
Socio-economic research is critical to community planning and to assessing and managing potential impacts from industrial development.
Environmental impact assessment processes are complex, time consuming and process-heavy. Expert support is often critical for Indigenous Nations who want to protect their rights, and the lands, waters, and natural resources they rely upon.
Strong, modern agreements with companies can generate substantial benefits for a Nation, while also protecting their lands and way of life.
Maps can be a powerful visual representation of a Nation’s land use, rights and interests, giving added leverage in consultations and negotiations with governments and industry or in regulatory and environmental assessment processes.
We support the development and implementation of strategic initiatives that lead to community-driven preferred development outcomes.
We collaborate with local Indigenous experts, governments and organizations to develop ecological inventories, monitoring programs and management plans that are scientifically rigorous, culturally relevant and effective tools for decision making in fast-paced, complex governance environments.
Approaching Indigenous health and wellness research, analysis and evaluation from a holistic perspective, accounting for the unique and specific Indigenous social determinants that create the conditions of health and wellbeing.
The Firelight Group provides guidance and thought-provoking insight to our Technical Staff and is strongly committed to helping build capacity within our Nations. The level of expertise and professionalism provided by The Firelight Group is unrivalled and we look forward to working together on many more projects in the future.
Wabun Tribal Council