What We Do

Our work ranges from knowledge translation, environmental scans, assessments, evaluations, planning, policy development and analysis, report writing, and Indigenous knowledge studies of health and wellness. Our work includes developing innovative and culturally-relevant research methods with a focus on ensuring trauma informed practice.


Our team includes social scientists with decades of experience working alongside Indigenous Nations and organizations. We are responsive and adaptive in our research process in a way that is respectful of the knowledge, needs, timelines, and desired outcomes of the Nations and organizations we work with. Our Health Team has worked extensively with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in both urban and rural, off/on-reserve settings, from coast to coast to coast. We also understand the political, legal, and jurisdictional nuances which form the context of Indigenous health and wellness. Some of our areas of expertise include, but are not limited to, mental wellness and substance use, food security, birth and maternal health, early learning and child care, public health, child welfare, gender-based violence and GBA+, cultural safety, anti-Indigenous racism in healthcare, strategic policy and program design, and organizational governance and planning.


We provide training on health and wellness topics for Indigenous Nations and organizations, including helping to establish mechanisms for identifying, assessing, monitoring, and managing the issues that impact community wellbeing. Some examples of this include developing toolkits and guide books, delivering asset mapping and data collection training, and undertaking evaluations which measure Indigenous indicators and provide strengths-based recommendations.