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The Firelight Group

Chris Wagner, BSc

BSc Environmental Science

Research Specialist


Office Phone: (604) 563-2245

Cell Phone: (604) 354-3353

Location: Vancouver Office


Chris (he/him) is a Research Specialist with the Ecology team at Firelight. He has experience providing technical support to communities in environmental impact assessment processes for many different types of projects including mining, transmission lines, roads, nuclear developments, and offshore oil and gas. As well, Chris has experience supporting communities in designing community-led monitoring programs, Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCA) planning, engagement with proponents and regulators, and traditional ecological knowledge studies. Chris also has experience conducting baseline surveys for birds, amphibians, mammals and plants.

Chris holds a BSc in Environmental Sciences from the University of Guelph. For his undergraduate thesis, Chris conducted a study assessing lichen diversity within old-growth forests in Northern Ontario. He has also supported Non-Governmental Organizations and Universities in monitoring bird populations and implementing research programs.