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The Firelight Group

Jackson McDermott, BA

BA Anthropology



Office Phone: (250) 590-9017

Cell Phone: (778) 837-4075

Location: Victoria Office


Jackson (he/him) is a Researcher with The Firelight Group.  He works with the Regulatory, Socio-Economic, IBA, and Health teams. Jackson grew up in Fort Nelson First Nation in northern BC. On his mother’s side he is Dene from the Dehcho region of Denendeh and on his father’s side he is Cree from Sawridge First Nation in Alberta.  From 2012-2016 he completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Victoria. His interests include learning about history, society, politics, and law from all peoples of the world. When he is not working, he is envisioning the past and future 500 years of Indigenous people.