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The Firelight Group

Katy Dimmer, BA | BSc

B. A. Native Studies, BSc Environmental & Conservation Sciences

Environmental Assessment Specialist


Office Phone: (780) 760-1255

Cell Phone: (780) 238-8543

Location: Edmonton Office


Katy is an Environmental Assessment Specialist with The Firelight Group. Katy is experienced and well-versed in environmental assessment (EA) processes and regulatory review. She has worked on several major project EAs across Canada, most recently the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project. Katy also has over eight years experience in ethno-historical research relating to Indigenous rights, culture and heritage, and resource use. She has been in almost every archive in Canada, conducted research in the National Archives in London, England and spent a summer databasing ethnobotanical data for the Smithsonian. She previously worked at the Métis Archival Project assisting with research projects and mapping for the Métis National Council.